Baloon Float
General Information

1. When will the 2024 parade take place?

2024 Parade Day and Time:
Saturday, December 7, at 10 AM
Line-up begins at 9 AM

2. Is there a rain/snow date?

Rain/Snow Date: None. As long as it is safe to do so, the parade will be held. In the event of bad weather we will announce any changes/cancellations on our parade home page

3. How much does it cost to be in the parade?

Entry Fee: None. But since the parade is funded completely by donations all entrants are encouraged to make a donation to keep the parade alive.

4. What route does the parade follow?

Route: The parade takes place on Lincoln Highway, business Route 30, starting at Strode Avenue and ending at 11th Avenue. Automobiles, police and emergency vehicles will be judged in their respective pre-parade line-up areas beginning at 9:20 .am. Judging for all other competitions will take place between 10th and 11th Avenues during the parade.

5. Where can parade participants park?

Participant Parking: Available at the Rainbow School, on Lincoln Highway, in Valley Township.

Pre-parade, between 8:45 and 9:30, buses will be available to shuttle those parking at Rainbow to the lineup area. Post-parade, buses will be available to take participants from the end of the parade back to the Rainbow School parking lot.

6. Where can parade spectators park?

Spectator Parking: Park in one of the city lots or on the side streets off Lincoln Highway.

Beginning at 7 AM there will be no parking on Lincoln Highway from bridge to bridge and no parking on Strode Avenue from Valley Road to Lincoln Highway. Cars parked after 7 AM will be towed.

7. What streets will be closed due to the parade?

Road Closures: From 7 AM until the conclusion of the parade Lincoln Highway, Route 30, will be closed to all traffic from 13th Avenue to Glen Crest Road in Valley Township. Strode Avenue, Route 82, will be closed from Valley Road, Route 372, to the Lincoln Highway. South 1st Avenue will bill be closed from Walnut Street to the Lincoln Highway.

To get to the lineup area coming from the east all entries are advised to take the Route 30 Bypass west to the Chester County Airport Exit, at the end of the exit ramp turn left onto Airport Road, then drive to Lincoln Highway,Business Route. 30, take a left onto Lincoln Highway and drive east to the lineup area. Please see the map.

8. Are there toilet facilities along the parade route?

Portable toilets are located at:
  • Rainbow School parade participant parking area in Valley Township
  • Orth Cleaners in Valley Township
  • Zeke's car wash between Hope and Strode avenues
  • West End Fire Company at Madison and Strode avenues
  • Gazebo at 2nd Avenue
  • Coatesville Flower Shop at 3rd Avenue
  • Abdala Park at 8th Avenue
  • Turkey Hill between 10th and 11th Avenues

9. How and where will automobiles be judged?

Automobile Competition's First, Second, and Third place plaques will be awarded in three categories:

  • Antique Autos (25 Yrs or older)
  • Classic Autos (15 to 24 Yrs old)
  • Modified Autos

Antique and Classic autos will be judged on authenticity and cleanliness (paint, chrome, wheels, interior, etc.). Modified autos will be judged on cleanliness and creativity (Wow factor).

Judging for all automobiles will be done before the start of the parade in the line-up area. Judges will begin evaluating autos at 9:20.

Judges will begin at Strode Avenue and work their way westward on Rt 30 through the line-up area judging automobiles as they encounter them.

So be aware that if you are not in your assigned position by 9:15 there is a chance you will not be judged.

10. How will floats be judged?

Floats will compete in two categories: 
  • Commercial/Retail sponsored floats will compete for First, Second, and Third Place certificates.
  • Non-Profit (clubs & organizations, church and youth group) sponsored floats will compete for $500 First, $300 Second and $200 Third place awards.

All floats should be based on a "Winter Holidays Around the World" theme. Floats will be judged on presentation, workmanship and originality/theme. Please note that as a safety measure once a float has started down the parade route no one is allowed to get off the float until the float is past 11th Avenue. Floats will be judged on the merits of the float itself and not necessarily on any performance done by a group on or with the float. But if you want to perform for the judges anyone riding on the float must stay on the float to perform.

Strict time limits will be enforced for performing in the judging area. You will have a maximum of 1 minute to set up and 2 minutes to perform. Anyone exceeding these time limits will be disqualified from the awards competition, and at the discretion of the parade officials told to stop their performance and immediately leave the judging area.

11. How will groups be judged?

Groups Competition will be awarded First, Second, and Third place certificates. Groups will be judged on originality/theme, choreography and appearance/costumes. Please note as a safety measure if your group is riding on a wheeled vehicle once that vehicle has started down the parade route no one is allowed to get off the vehicle until the vehicle is past 11th. Avenue. If you are riding on a wheeled vehicle and want to perform for the judges the vehicle must stop in the judging area and anyone riding on the vehicle must stay on the vehicle and perform while on the vehicle.

Strict time limits will be enforced for performing in the judging area. You will have a maximum of 1 minute to set up and 2 minutes to perform. Anyone exceeding these time limits will be disqualified from the awards competition, and at the discretion of the parade officials told to stop their performance and immediately leave the judging area.

12. May I throw candy or other objects to the spectators?

Candy or other objects may not be thrown to spectators during the parade. Although intentions are good, throwing candy, little children and moving vehicles are not a safe combination. If you would like to distribute candy or other objects you must have someone walk along the sidewalks and give the candy or object out by hand.